Monday, February 4, 2008

The perfect composing software?

I have to say I am a HUGE fan of Pro-Tools. Although it is pricey I considered it the king of recording/editing/mixing audio. UNTIL NOW?

I believe Ableton Live 7 has to be the most versatile DAW program out there with its MIDI sequencing, loop-based production, virtual instruments, effects, and great out of the box instruments. . It's not the most powerful audio editor or MIDI sequencer out there (i will stick with protools). Yet, for most musicians, it could take care of all your needs in a simple but flexible program with a revolutionary GUI that keeps everything within reach -without drowning your screen with multiple windows.

Live gives me a great way to take the mood of a sample and completely manipulate and change it to the point where it's totally unrecognizable, but it still retains some spirit of the original. Then I can fuck it up further — chop it up, take sections and move them around. You CANNOT do this in Ptools without great effort. It takes seconds in Live.

I recommend anyone to download a copy of Ableton Live. Its free to try. If your a beginner you will find yourself makings sounds and composing clips in just a few mins. If you are a advanced DAW user that does a good deal of re-mixing, composing, or sound/sample manipulation you will be sold after your first test drive. Its like getting a Ferrari for the price of a Honda.

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